Thursday, January 19, 2017

3 Miracles for YOU

💝 3 MIRACLES FOR YOU 💛 What 3 Miracles are you choosing?

*Step 1. Write three Miracles you want  down, number them 1 to 3.
*Step 2. Watch this video by Dain in this post a couple of times at least focusing on your 3 written miracles on your notepaper

*Step 3. Get the clearing statements running for them from the video and shared here, state them often as you view your 3 items.
*Step 4. Choose 3 youtube videos that you feel positively will grant you Miracles for your 3 items and watch them one by one as soon as you can.
*Step 5. State outloud: Thankyou God for these 3 Miracles I am already enjoying in my reality...thankyou... And it is Done.
*Step 6. Feel the happiness in your imagination of experiencing these 3 Miracles happily and divinely fulfilled now.
*Step 7. Imagine a Miracle Shower pouring its Golden Drops throughout your mind and body and its bringing you into Miracle Consciousness and feel the gift of your Miracles in your hands as Energy and drink it in.
*Step 8. Put your note of your 3 Miracles in a special place surrendering them up to the Divine trusting them to be here now.
*Step 9. Get a pencil with and eraser end and say Dewdrop as you hold the pencil a few times, activating the pencil to be a ho'oponopono cleaning tool, and tap each day on each item saying DEWDROP outloud or silently.
*Step 10. Be at Peace with your items loving them unconditionally within you.

10 Steps by Erika L Soul


 Tool of the Month - with Dr. Dain Heer

Write Down 3 Areas of Your Life That Could Use a Miracle
Your awareness allows you to access your miraculous capacities to change anything.
Watch this video (down below) as Dr. Dain explains some simple tools to start changing those areas of your life that could benefit from being "miracle-ized"

Everything that doesn’t allow me to change this miraculously, I destroy and uncreate it all . Right, wrong, good, bad, POD POC, all 9, shorts, boys and beyonds.

What miracle are you not that you are not acknowledging so that you can be unhappy? Everything that doesn’t allow me to change this miraculously, I destroy and uncreate it. Right, wrong, good, bad, POD POC, all 9, shorts, boys and beyonds.

What miracle am I that I’m not acknowledging, that if I acknowledged it, would change this thing ( the 3 things that you listed down) ? Right, wrong, good, bad, POD POC, all 9, shorts, boys and beyonds.


(Erika's edited version) 

What awareness can I allow myself to be to access my miraculous capacities to change anything? Everything that doesn’t allow me to change this miraculously, I destroy and uncreate it ALL. Times a Godzillion, Right, wrong, good, bad, POD POC, all 9, shorts, boys and beyonds.

What miracle are you, that you are not acknowledging, so that you can continue to be unhappy and unfulfilled? Everything that doesn’t allow me to change this ........ miraculously, I destroy and uncreate it all.Times a Godzillion, Right, wrong, good, bad, POD POC, all 9, shorts, boys and beyonds.

What miracle am I that I’m not acknowledging, that if I acknowledged it, would change all of this spontaneously and instaneously? Times a Godzillion, Right, wrong, good, bad, POD POC, all 9, shorts, boys and beyonds.


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