Friday, May 5, 2017


  What is it that you want this month??? What would you love to experience? US Angels are here to assist you in your endeavours this month. We will be standing by ready to assist you as you ask US for our help we will do so. Success in your Endeavours is this months special US Angels focus. You only need to think US "Angels" I would love your assistance now for ....... and however we can assist you we will. We may amplify your energy field, inspire you with ideas, show you ways to do things out of the box, there is no limit to our divine assistance. You can hire US for anything at all that you want to be do or have. You will still be the person enacting your Miracle and we will be there applauding you encouraging you supporting you and guiding you....Your own special Angel Support Team there for you and your life and any problem or situation you are facing. Even if it is you want to feel more Love and Joy in your day, or get a task done easily and wonderfully we are here to assist your Success in all your Endeavours.

So get set for a Wonderful Merry Month of May, as you are ready to experience more of the goodness of LIFE, and let Go of all the negativity judgement and unhappiness. Give it all to US Angels right now for transmutation in this MOMENT, and feel it all SHIFT into LOVE. Pause and do this right now. Feel the Good and let US Uplift Illumine and Inspire you Now....

Divine Energy Transmissions flow throughout this Group Angel Reading and each time you reread this you receive a deeper and higher level of this Energy, helping to shift you into higher levels of Consciousness.

This month we are gifting each one of YOU a special Gift which is a BIG MIRACLE, one that is unexpected, JOYOUS and out of the BLUE, this BIG MIRACLE is an ANGEL BLESSING sent to you from US Angels. Do not look for it or expect IT, but let IT come upon you as a big Happy Surprise. It may be anything at all that the Divine Blesses you with, you have allowed IT in and that is your only job, is to be OPEN and ALLOWING of all the BLESSINGS awaiting YOU !!!!!

  Our US*ANGELS* Calling card this MONTH OF MAY of our Presence and our Love, is very special BUTTERFLIES, a healing symbol of TRANSFORMATION, that will come to you in your life and alight on you, be revealed to you, and gifted to you in some wonderful way. Know its a Sign of your TRANSFORMATION out of your old self into a NEW WAY OF BEING IN THE WORLD.

Until next months US Angels Group Reading enjoy this Reading over and over as it will bring forth more Blessings each time your read it. Until then in Love Joy Bliss we Dwell.

✿ U.S. ANGELS ✿♫✿◠‿◠)❀✿

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