Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Angels on Loving Kindness

Angelspeaking~Healing Angel Messages
The Angels Say 

Do not be disheartened by the horror that is in the world 
We know it can be very upsetting to know that atrocities occur
 if you can see the perfection and the love 
that is behind all this tragedy as we can see and know
Then you would allow all beings to learn and grow as they do. 

Be grateful that you are where you realise 
not to inflict hurt and pain on others
 and simply vow to be kinder and more loving 
in the face of those who would be unkind to you 
So sow seeds of Love wherever you walk ~
with whomever you talk in whatever you do. 

That is the real task at hand in your life, all else is the trimmings !
So please be at Peace 
there is a whole world of Wellbeing that truly exists
 just know this and feel it and connect to it 
more and more as the Truth
Then you can live in this World without pain and suffering
Just offering a helping hand to all those 
whom are lost in the illusion of this reality.

We love you and we are with you in Spirit always YOUR Angels !!!! 101
      Divine Angel Readings 
With Healing Miracles & Magic
Erika L  Soul


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