Saturday, December 26, 2015



I REQUEST A MOST BENEVOLENT OUTCOME  for all that I have experienced over the last YEAR OF 2015. ♥  I ask that all that's been going on within me over THIS PAST YEAR... for all data, memories replaying within me, that I share in common with anyone or anything be all transmuted into pure Divine Love RIGHT NOW.

♥  I request a MBO for all of the situations, issues, and problems that  I experienced  in any moment of 2015 are now  Divinely Resolved with creativity LOVE and JOY and resourcefulness, surrendering everything up to the Divine and for having followed my inner guidance wonderfully and divinely, thankyou God.  

♥  I request a MBO for this PAST YEAR OF 2015 FOR all discordant energies, non-beneficial frequencies, disharmony, negative thoughts and emotions and any negative energetic patterns to be all transmuted & transformed into Divine Love, Freedom, Prosperity, Joy, resulting in Most Benevolent Outcomes for me and for ALL, and for all that I take on from anyone anytime anywhere be instantly let go of and handed up in each and every moment of this coming week♥ 

♥  I request a MBO that I was actually Loving Me in each moment of this past YEAR of 2015 with I LOVE YOU replaying within me in all my moments of this past year, Loving me divinely ♥  
♥ I request a MBO that I Am now IN the Flow and Harmony with all of LIFE, happy and trusting, full of pure Love and Joy in each and every moment of this PAST YEAR. 

♥  I ask that I HAVE NOW fully Embraced & Blessed, Loved and Released all emotions I experienced and that I have let go of any judgement of what they were i.e. negative emotions of this and that name, and for all of the story attached to them is now transcended and detached completely in each and every moment of this past year thankyou God.

I ask that I fully release the whole year and that I now let go of all judgements of what I did experience and what I did do and did not do. and to release all judgement of myself and my year now completely thankyou God. ♥  

♥ I request a MBO for my whole past year the whole movie I starred in to be now filled with pure Divine Love and Gods Grace thankyou God. ♥

♥ I ASK FOR A MBO FOR FULLY appreciating with Love and Gratitude all of my past year that I experienced for all that occurred for everything I thought felt and did and for seeing it all through the eyes of the Divine ♥

♥ May all of these Outcomes be even Better than I could hope for, imagine or expect, Thankyou, Thankyou, Thankyou. AND IS SO, AND IT IS DONE ☆★ ☆ 

 ★, ★, ★, ★, ★, ★, ★, ★, ★, ★, ★, ★, ★, ★, ★, ★, ★, ★, ★, ★, ★, ★,★,★,

☆ Say outloud at least once for the full effect and say it within you, really feel this as an experience occuring for you in your self and your life !!!

☆ MBO created by Erika L Soul 

of www.RainbowHealings.Com


Sunday, November 29, 2015

Changing your Past and Future Reality

This morning I jumped in the car and thought I want something exciting and new to listen to on my drive so I opened my SoundCloud app and this is what I immediately found..
This a special one for changing your future and even your past. Its a special exercise Shannon O'Hara who is an Access Consciousness facilitator takes you through and its approx 28 mins long. Just what I was after something big and life changing.... This was an instant granting of my wish don't you love it the way the Universe and you can cocreate instantly sometimes what you are asking for, not always but enough times for you to go OH WOW that was FAST !!!!!

Enjoy and God Bless

Erika L Soul 


Here is the Link to listen to this track online in your browser and you can find it on your soundcloud app by searching for Shannon O'Hara.

Friday, November 13, 2015


Angel of the Sacred Heart of Action

November is the month of warmth and The SUN. Now you can bring in the LIGHT through sunshine, brightness, allowing it to melt your heart. This diamond LIGHT Ray of the SUN is eternal and Always there shining upon you, even above the dark clouds blocking the Sunshine.
We are going to be opening up your Heart to more JOY LOVE and BLISS this month. Expect heart openings, heart healings, releasing old pain and memories that closed your heart and expect more Love to come in now. This will enable you to feel and give more LOVE, kindness and Compassion to all those around you. 

So now be still and let your heart receive this Gift of Healing for your Heart, allow this Angelic Healing to come into your heart right now. This is a Heart Activation preparing you for the next level you are moving to very soon. We are transmitting it to you now as you give U.S.Angels your permission. Expect Miracles and Gifts of the Heart to come to you this month as a result of this Heart Activation. If you see a Golden Heart this is our Calling Card and validation you have received this Heart Activation. You may also feel some Healing when you see or receive this Golden Heart. It is a sign you are becoming The Golden Heart. 

If you get a Golden Heart and The Sun symbol together this is an extra Blessing for you and a powerful healing !!! the Sun will show itself to you this month and give you its Rays of LIFE to bring you warmth, affection, abundance, healing and joy !!! Abundance is coming into your life in wonderful ways this month to Bless you and is another sign of The Sun blessing your life. See how your dreams reflect this months Heart Opening and Healing. This will also be healing your physical heart ...and your health as a result will improve.

We Love YOU very much and are always with YOU, as you wish for our presence we are there touching you and bringing you into more Truth, Wisdom and LoveLightening of your Journey through LIFE this month is being granted to you. See how this comes about for you through releasing old worn out things, places, people that you are ready to release and see what comes to you in its place.

                                                Angel of Eternal Light

IN LOVE, JOY, and Happiness we Reside Always,

Friday, October 9, 2015


♫✿◠‿◠)❀✿ U.S. ANGELS GROUP READING OCTOBER 2015 ☆☆★☆★☆★☆★☆☆★☆★☆★☆★☆☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆☆★☆☆★☆


✿ Joy is our natural state, Being in JOY. We say enjoy yourself alot. This month is all about JOY. Living IN JOY, and we will be taking you on a journey to find YOU and YOUR JOY. Do you feel you lost your JOY, joyfulness, joy in living your life, JOY. in your expresssion, where did you give it away and take on something that does not bring you into the JOY of your True Self. This month U.S. Angels come to you and our calling card to know we are around and touching you with Love is the word JOY, the feeling of JOY., the state of JOY. , we will be helping to increase your JOY., follow your JOY., dwell in JOY.. So if you start seeing this word alot, hearing it, saying it this is US Angels reminding you of JOY.. Do not let your JOY. go for anything, for anyone...

Sing the word 
JOY. speak JOY. thinkJOY. and be in JOY., discover what brings you into more JOY. and what takes you out of IT. You know the expression MONEY followsJOY., however we say JOY is YOU and when you Be YOU everything flows to You and through YOU and JOY. is what you feel when you are in allowance of who and what you really are, JOY. and Love are one, when you feel Love you feel JOY., appreciation and expansion. 

Now in these words are energies that are going to help those clouds blocking the SUN, ie JOY from shining through YOU to disperse and dissipate, see them now going and gone, POOF... and you thought they were here to stay, but with ONE command they are gone as they were created by illusions and not real. JOY ABOUNDS ALWAYS  Contemplate this truth JOY Always Abounds, what this means will be revealed to you, as no matter the clouds blocking your sunshine and Love, JOY ABOUNDS ALWAYS. It is there waiting for you to reclaim it and be it again, you see little children they scream shout get upset and then in a moment they are back in JOY again, they don't hold onto negative emotions. You have learnt habits that mean you don't allow energy to move and be what it is, you judge it and make you wrong or others wrong and then get stuck with No JOY...

So this month we are going to help you with a Process from US Angels, a JOY ACTIVATION, YES the word activation is one we use too but in truth U.S. Angels don't need words like you do here on earth, we speak from the Heart our truth and it is felt everywhere. So lets do a  JOY ACTIVATION now, which is going to reinstate your natural state of JOY and clear all those clouds blocking your sunshine ie abundance of positive loving energies. All those beliefs and old programs will melt under our intense Love and so OPEN now to receive this  JOY still for a moment and let us do this Activation....1 2 333 and it is DONE.....This Activation for Returning to JOY is now started and will continue with you and your consciousness night and day until you can completely LIVE IN JOY all the time !!!! How wonderful will this be for you and all those whose lives you touch, and the whole world.

This month our calling card is JOY and the colour Yellow, it may be Yellow flowers you notice, or bright yellow colours, or a yellow car, or painting just see how Yellow as a colour vibration bringing harmony and
JOY. in comes into your life during the next month, and see the word JOY.popping up to remind you of your divine nature of JOY.....blessings and love to you and much JOY. See how you find information on the colour Ray Yellow coming to you and yellow foods which bring in the Ray of light of Yellow, Yellow will be healing you, let the Sun shine in of Yellow Light and JOY.......See your dark clouds becoming lighter and lighter and then becoming Yellow and JOYFUL....

IN LOVE, JOY, and Happiness we Reside Always,


Saturday, August 29, 2015

Abundance and our limited viewpoints

This morning my husband Michael said we need toilet paper as we are nearly out. I went to check as I had bought a fair amount the week before and discovered I had put the excess rolls in the drawer underneath where we keep them. So we had another good amount in there. I then wondered how this occurs in life, that we do have more of something we need however we don't realise which drawer we have it in, a drawer we didn't think to look in that is holding what we have lost our awareness of. Hidden abundance waiting for us to discover. Like when you find something like money you put aside. So we have more than we think we have at any one time. If we open our awareness up and go to a higher viewpoint we will expand our vision to see a greater abundance in our lives we had forgotten we have. So we can change our limited viewpoint and expand into more conscious awareness of our true level of abundance to see the truth. We are Abundant truly....

Saturday, July 25, 2015


I have facilitated a New Quantum Shift - Life Activation 30 min session on a recording that is now available for all who choose it. On the recording is much I explain about this Activation... You can listen to this many times and each time it will release more and take you will never wear out its use as you can always go one more step higher in consciousness in more love and increased prosperity, joy and happiness.

This Activation is a Life Shifting session that :★:★:★:
Raises your levels of Consciousness, opens your heart, increases your energy and vibration, shifts you into a new gear, Quantum jumps you into a higher dimension, unwinds old beliefs and blocks holding you back, aligns you with your vortex, facilitates a 3rd Eye Activation and a Super Brain Activation and a Heart Activation, has Archangel Metatron and St Germain assisting the Activations, connects you to Spiritual Masters and higher Beings that fit your state of consciousness, assists you pass to through the Gateway and into a new LIFE journey, clears Your Path, you receive just what is right for you, Deep Clearing dowsing, Energetic Shifts, adjusts your frequencies to their ideal frequency and to Prosperity, going up higher into more Joy happiness Love, releases whatever is holding you back from being happy with your Self, brings in sacred transmissions and downloads of information, assists you to operate in a new way in your life,receive many Gifts and Blessings coming in, releases what doesn't serve you any more, works with your Matrix and the web of your life, RESETs your LIFE, and way more than we can share here !!!

And of course you are welcome to contribute a gift of money of any amount as you like to, thankyou. *889491* Link for donation cart is!/Donation-for-my-Healing-Recordings/p/52670342/category=13762024

You can download this file via the download button with this recording on soundcloud or you can
Click on this link to save this file, and then right click and save as audio mp3 file:

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

"Something amazingly AWESOME is going to happen to me TODAY !!! "

"Something  amazingly AWESOME is going to happen to me TODAY !!! "

Say this each morning first before you do anything.....
its from from Pam Grout's new E-Cubed  book..E3. I read and did the experiments in E-2 (E-Squared) the first book and at first when I saw this book online I thought oh yeah been there and done that stuff so what's new, but the Universe kept presenting this book to me until eventually I relented as it was only a $1 on Amazon for the ebook and I thought I would check it out. So it became a great book to read and I got heaps out of it and did many of the 9 experiments in it over and over.  Months later the book even came right to where I was working for $8, this time I bought it straightaway happy to have the physical book to play with. Now if I shared about this book and all my experiments we would be here for a while, so I will save some of these stories for another blog post in the future.

If you are interested in getting this book here it is at a good price or you can get it on Amazon as an ebook also.

OK, so today I thought I had misplaced some money from selling our PVR recorder which we had just decided to use towards paying for a weekend Spiritual camp retreat in July and I couldn't find the money in all the places I would normally put it. We were due to pay for the camp and I had felt glad that we were now going ahead with attending it. It had been a goal for months to go and lately I wasn't sure we were really going to go. I was feeling a tad stressed and fearful, so I lay down with my Blue STAR power plate, from gazed into it and journeyed through the lovely stuff I was feeling, and I said a big MBO for my Angels and Spiritual Guides to guide me to find the money and/or to recall what I did with it. I said some great Divine Spirit requests I have used alot for many years now for finding things also.  


I also realised it was a great opportunity to reclaim some power from this negative energetic pattern that had gone pop in me and did the process from the book BUSTING LOOSE FROM THE MONEY GAME. This is a great book one I reread alot and aides you in breaking free from the fears and beliefs limiting you around money and your life. To read up about Busting Loose from the Money Game a book I highly recommend here is a pdf free overview via this link I found online while writing this post for all you readers of my blog.

Ten minutes or so later still not feeling too clear, I got up again to put on some rice for dinner and then went hunting for the money again pointless though I felt it was. Then suddenly without any thought to, I picked up a ceramic pink heart plate my son made me with " MUM" and two Pink Angels and a Pink heart on it that he gave me just after Mothers Day and VOILA thats where I had stashed the money, underneath it, and the money had been there for a week or two!!!! 
It was such an unusual place for me to put money I may not have found it for a while, no doubt when the guy gave me the money it was a quick place to put it and safe of course .....well....maybe....
Now that was AMAZINGLY AWESOME to find it straightaway and to trust in my inner guidance to help me find it and get past my fear I had spent it or lost it.. I linked this occurrence with my saying many times  

Something  amazingly AWESOME is going to happen to me TODAY !!!  Hallelujah......THANKYOU YOU GOD !!!!

Erika L Soul
Divine Angel Readings
Transformational Healings

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Clearing you with Your Business and MONEY

This is a recording I have made with  some  Clearings that I received via Access Consciousness for clearing you with your Business and also your relationship with MONEY . Whatever the form your Business takes, whatever you are doing each day is your business activity and whether you earn money or just do do this as your work for free !!! 

I have added some inspired clearings also that came in while I did this recording. Some clearings are referencing questions from the How to Become Money workbook by Gary Douglas.  Listening to these clearings repeatedly will give you the best outcome.  So enjoy and please share anything from your experience with this recording as a gift back to me via the comments below thankyou.

Erika L Soul

Create Personal High Energy in Your Life!

Hi all, this is a wonderful software product for transforming your water into a high energy drink with transformative powers. This was my first introduction to Peter Schenk's water charging products and because of my experience with Navitus I quickly bought Aquaware 3 and now we have Aquaware 4, I have helped many people with this water as I can charge anyones water anywhere in the world. Yes there are many other ways of charging water and I can actually do this myself with water energy dowsing and my other products and tools I have. I had so much energy after drinking this Navitus water on the first day I know how good it is. I still use Navitus even with my Aquaware program, it is quick easy and I can charge my shower water, bathwater and water bottles etc etc etc with it within a few mins. Well I am not selling this to you just sharing about how good it is.  I am so happy it is free for anyone to download and it is Peter Schenk's only free water software program. 

Read up on this product via the link below and then download it simply via the link below and read the instructions and then off you go, have fun charging any body of water anywhere in the world. This product will clear all bad stuff from the water and make the water High Energy water that also transforms you as you drink it.  Well what have you got to lose nothing !!!! 
thankyou Erika L Soul

Create Personal High Energy in Your Life!

Empower Yourself to Reach New Heights of Personal Physical Energy and Productivity Never before Conceivable

for all the details of this great free product visit this webpage

Modern day mystic Peter Schenk

BONUS: The New Navitus High Energy Software Download

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


    GROUP U.S. ANGELS READING FOR APRIL 2015  ♫✿◠‿◠)❀✿ ☆☆★☆★☆★☆★☆☆★☆★☆★☆★☆☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★

    This month we are bringing you Roses as our calling card, and the colour PINK in all its shades and hues. The Rose is a divine Symbol and heralds the Divine Essence opening to the Highest Consciousness. Once upon a time a Rose Garden existed that was a doorway to heaven. This month you can step into the Garden of Roses and be uplifted into heavenly states. Joyful Bliss and a Blossoming of your Heart is at hand.
    Mother Mary is a divine Loving Presence that is felt by many and she is actively coming to All those souls reading this Angel Healing Message for April. 

    All who see her as a vision are forever changed, so see how she comes to you this month, as a vision, a statue, image, book or card. This does not have anything to do with your faith or religion as she encompasses all LIFE and LOVES all of Gods Creations. Mother Mary will be helping to heal your heart of old long held grief and loss, and to renew the LOVE In your hearts and enrich your Lives. For some this will be a MIRACLE healing and will change your LIFE, for others it maybe birthing a NEW LIFE, or a new soul, however she touches your life you will be in no doubt this has occurred and
    what it is.

    U.S. Angels are a United Group of Angels, Higher Beings who work nonstop for All of LIFE, all souls everywhere, we love our Work and all those we come to Bless with the Divine's Love.
    We prepare all of you on the inner for each months group Healing Angel Message, as these are very special transmissions that shift and change you as you read and engage with U.S. Angels, into being more of YOU than ever before. 

    We love you and welcome each one of you into the Heart of the Divine, and the door is your own very heart. As your heart beats feel US there, within you, speaking and loving you Always. Never doubt your worth or that you are loved as YOU ARE ALWAYS LOVED BY US AND THE DIVINE IN ALL LIFE. 


    Erika L Deutscher's photo. 

    Angel of Love, The Madonna of Compassion
    artwork by Glenyss Bourne

BE HAPPY NOW !!!!!!!!!

WAKE UP !!!!!!!





















Erika L Soul

Monday, March 9, 2015


We U.S. Angels come to you this month to celebrate one Year of these Group Healing Angel Messages, this is one full cycle and a new beginning. After the last months Reading we are going to challenge you this month to really lift your game !!!! We love the element of surprise we give you each month and we cook up new things for you all. There is always special timing for these Group Readings and they come through when it is most timely for all.

Get set for a great month now as you leap forward fearlessly. You are shedding old skin and transformation is at hand. Once upon a time there was limitations that held you back and now you can transcend these old patterns and step out and into freedom. Dolphin energy comes to you now as they heal and uplift you all. See if you get dolphins coming to you in your life or dreams.

Empty yourself of everything as you now can start a new slate. If something comes up from the past just wipe the slate clean again....Create a new picture of you and your life now, draw it, imagine it, create it, collage it, as you anchor in new ways of living your life.

Some of you worry incessantly we can see, but where does this get you, only going round and round perpetually on the wheel of life, making more karma for yourselves. Instead see worry as a warrior arm yourself with a shield of protection and a sword of truth and go forth and slay anything that is an illusion and watch it crumble into dust.

This month see how you can set a new pace and energy and step up more and more up the ladder into higher energies and love. If you slip no worries just go higher than you would have up the ladder. 

JOY ABOUNDS ALWAYS. This is from US Angels. We surround you all with a River OF Love, an Ocean of Sweet Bliss, feel this now coming in and flooding your being, your cells, your whole month of March and the rest of your life.

See how more ABUNDANCE comes in this month for you as you OPEN UP and RECEIVE all that LIFE is Flowing to YOU. Drink in Abundance each day, Abundance being the dance of LIFE that is the HEART of your BEING. A BUN DANCE so do a little Happy Dance each time you experience Abundance and increase your energy vitality and joy every time you dance with Abundance! 

Thankyou all, much love to each one of you, and we only bring blessings from the highest to each of one of you and your loved ones.



Sunday, March 8, 2015

Healing Angel Moment > 555 and Transformation

Angel Number Reading for *555*    

555* means that Major Changes and significant Transformations are here now for you. You have an opportunity to break out of the CHRYSALIS and uncover the Amazing LIFE you so truly Deserve now !

Healing Angel Moment
This is an Healing Angel Moment for everyone who wishes to participate now receive this all you need to do is read the words and allow this to occur for you and trust it is done for you also.The energy for this transformation is within these words and the intention is for all to receive this Soul Energy Healing facilitated by Erika L Soul. Your Guardian Angel and Spiritual Guidance will assist you with this healing plus my Angels and Guides here too...

Are you ready willing and able to do this right NOW ????..

LETS BREAK OUT of our BOXES of LIMITATIONS and truly embrace having The LIFE we so Truly DESERVE NOW !!!

So with all the Power we Truly Are and All the Heavenly US Angels assisting us :
Let's now Welcome significant Transformations and Most Benevolent Outcomes & Divine Blessings into our Lives right NOW ...

Let's right now Let Go and Release all limitations keeping us trapped in our boxes ....WE set them free and We ARE FREE!!

And WE now Step into the Life we truly Deserve!!!!

HERE WE GO ...1........2.........3 !! And IT IS DONE!!!

WOW who feels lighter and freer now like a whole lot of baggage just went bye byes !!! So THANKYOU Angels Guides and Higher Beings here assisting everyone who has participated and thankyou to all the willing trusting open Souls who took this JOURNEY here with us into the unknown and the new ....
Love and Blessings ❤AngelErika ^✿^

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Blessings Showering UPON YOU

May you all Receive all OF the Blessings 
that are being showered upon YOU in each and every MOMENT.....
TO RECEIVE simply OPEN up to them in this MOMENT, 
just pause and ALLOW them in, 
this is enough for many Blessings to get through to YOU, 
see NOW what shows up TODAY 
that was waiting to come to YOU.....

Enjoy and God Bless 

Erika L Soul

Monday, March 2, 2015

The Most Powerful Abundance Prayer

This prayer may be watched as many times as you like to. You may view this prayer daily for assisting you in achieving your dreams and goals .

As you watch it say the words mentally or outloud and just enjoy the video and release all expectations both postive and negative and then see what shows up in your life that is a Blessing and Miracle. 

It is only 3mins long , so open to this prayer and allow your mind to accept this is real and believe it is working for you !!! Let Go and Let God.

{Credits go to Simona Rich for posting this prayer on her website, to Maureen Moss who improved the prayer, and to the original author who unfortunately is unknown. WE THANKYOU .}

Saturday, February 28, 2015


So if you would love to SHIFT into the Energy and Vibration of Having and Allowing WHAT YOU WANT, SAY *YES* outloud right NOW, AND IT IS DONE !!!!

NOW LET'S ALL Together say 1... 2...3 ...KAPOW and JUMP into it your VORTEX Right NOW !

AND ALL of the RESISTANCE to what you desire you have, would you be willing to give that up now and let it go completely on all levels now,YES ?

And now with my TRANSFORM Macro lets *TRANSFORM* all beliefs and core programs and anything else stopping you from being in the Energy of your Vortex right now !

Let's now Connect the Divine Healing Energies to assist you in aligning with all that is in your Vortex of all that you have ever wanted, asked for and desired that is perfect and right for you, and vibrating to the frequencies and Energy of your Vortex.

These Healing Energies will assist you in achieving all that you are wanting to Do, Be and Have by clearing all the resistance fear and doubt keeping you separate from your Vortex!

All Vibration Locks you have right now stopping you from progressing will you now allow these to be released TRANSFORMED on all levels and dimensions right now ??? YES, THANKYOU !

So Say *YES Thankyou* Right Now and the Energies of the Universe will work with you continuously until you can stay PERMANENTLY in the Frequency of the Vibration of your Vortex all of the time, totally connected to the All of YOU and All that IS, ONE with your true Divine SELF !!

The Energy will be here every time you read and do this Healing Protocol and will last as long as this Exists for All whom participate. Each time you read it and participate you will be brought into Harmony and Alignment with your intentions and your Vortex of the Energy of Being Doing Having all of YOU and your Power ! You will find it easier and easier to achieve all that you wish to.

Feel the Energy of these Words and the Energies that they are connected to now and allow them to connect within you and work with you day and night by saying YES please and Thankyou !

This Healing Moment is a combination of many healing ingredients e.g. Thetahealing, Access Consciousness, Matrix Energetics, Abraham-Hicks, Angels and lots more from the Soul Energy Healing I facilitate ! What fun ! I love IT ! Please feel free to comment on your experience of this for you and any outcomes in your life and changes too ! I love having this forum and being able to facilitate this type of energy work in this way! Click Like below if you enjoyed this Energy Work.

Erika L Soul
Divine Angel Readings
Transformational Healings