Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Cutting Cords with all that Worry


Cuttings Cords with all forms of worry and fear.
So you can cut cords with your worries anytime with this Macro Prayer by stating its name and asking Love and Light Beings to please cut the cords of any negativities and attachments you have with your worry. Listen to this audio whilst having the cords cut for you of all that worry, alot of what is included I share in this audio/video recording.

It's also on Soundcloud as an audio track and it's downloadable if you open Soundcloud in a browser window. Listen to Freedom from Worry by Erika L Soul on #SoundCloud

Sunday, March 24, 2024

JOYFUL BLISSFUL MIRACLES ★ Group 21 Days Energy Healing SPA SRC Program APRIL 2024


★ Starting on the 1st APRIL running Daily until ARIL 21st our 21 Days Energy Healing SPA SRC is MANIFESTING MAGNIFICENT JOYFUL BLISSFUL MIRACLES !!! 
★This SRC is supporting each one of you in ★ Experiencing way more JOYFUL Blissful Miracles & Magic★ happening in your life. It is supercharging all your Miracles you are choosing and intending to have happen so you have all the Energy and Positive Energy to bring it to fruition. So utilise the Energy of this SRC running from Sept 1ST for 21 Days to manifest in your life what you truly desire now.

Choose something in an area of your life that you want energetic support in bringing to fruition. And write it down and this SRC name and month to connect to this SRC with your desire, and place in a special place and then simply allow the Universe to conspire on your behalf and see what starts to happen. Celebrate each little miracle that occurs connected to your wish. You can share your Miracle that you are allowing in here or keep it private.

Every month this program runs and I choose a new SRC to run that I get guided to run that is Most Benevolent for everyone at that time. It can be Energy Healing, Energy Clearing, Energy Enhancing, Prosperity, Health SRC, Manifesting Miracles, Transformations and Life Upgrades, etc. You can always contact me and I will email you what the next months 21 Days focus is on. Click >>> EMAIL


Guardian Angel, I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for this group 21 Days Energy Healing SPA  Manifesting Magnificent Miracles SRC Supercharging all my dreams, wishes and desires, all that is on my list of things I want to be do and have and experience, each and every day with much Divine Love, Blessings, Joy and Blissful Miracles, I ask that all of these items on my wishlist come about with total ease joy and glory into my life experience ! And I ask that I experience many many many JOYFUL BLISSFUL MIRACLES each and every day of the 21 Days Energy Healing Spa SRC Program I am receiving. I ask that I create Blissful Miracles and Blessings for myself and others each and every day Thank You, I Love You, I am Grateful! AND IT IS DONE O:)


★ As we begin each 21 Days on the 1st of the month you are invited to give a gift of appreciation with a donaton via Paypal or a creditcard, you can sign up and pay for how many months ahead at a time you like. You don't need to have a paypal account as you can do a once only payment. Any amount given is welcome and received in Gratitude and Grace, THANKYOU The  donation is $10-$15 AUD a month, (Australian dollar). Sign Up and Payment Link

:★: WHAT IS SRC4U ???

"SRC4U assesses an individual’s unique energy, then creates individualized positive energy signals to interact with the energy of each human being to balance their energy and create an optimal environment. The program matrix positively enhances mental, emotional, spiritual and physical fitness by bringing them into an optimum state of balance. This improves the individual’s immune response, increases self-healing and self-recovery capabilities, enhances their self-regeneration potential and their functioning in daily life. " www.src4you.com



Erika L Soul
Healing Energy Readings



Abundance of Light Common List Macro Prayers

Here is my most recent updated Common List Macro Prayers Word Doc file for you to download via my dropbox link, simply click on it and then find the download button and save it. Please do not share it elsewhere on line without my permission thankyou, it is intended for your personal use. This is the original Common List of Macro Prayers from Alyssa Mary Rose and with additions from some of her past students, and alot now have been added and created by myself Erika L Soul. When this is added to again and updated come back to this post and re download it. Any questions ask away here below the post


Abundance of Light Common List Macro Prayers Word Doc File


This is a great Macro Prayer to use when you've been watching something and you are feeling any negative effects, or attachments, or buying into the show's reality too much, simply read through this and then cut with it and each time you feel it would be beneficial simply state the name of the Macro Prayer and ask for any cords to be cut for you with the show and any content, characters, all points of view etc etc you have picked up.



Love & Light Beings, please use all Macros to aid and heal all affected by this Macro, including all Macro Prayers needed including Addictions Prayer, Fear Illusion Prayer, Relationship Prayer, etc, all cords cut in the BarbBall re this topic, please cut the cords of any negativities/attachments/illusions between, all cords cut in the BarbBall re this topic, please cut the cords of any negativities/attachments/illusions between myself and all movies, tv, streaming shows I have watched, any videos anywhere I have watched, with all ill effects upon me of any kind, any trauma, any subliminal subconscious programming, any negative imprints, any negative cordings, any negative views beliefs judgements from what I have viewed on a screen, my relationship with all characters and plots I have viewed on a screen, with all stories, with reality tv shows, with all addictions to watchings shows, binge watching, all judgement of self for what you've chosen to watch, all harm or abuse you've viewed, all upset and trauma from tv shows etc, all distractor implants involved, all brainwashing, all streaming apps and companies, cost of viewing shows, going to the cinema, all negative influences, all you have absorbed while watching shows, anything we have left out, all using watching shows to avoid things bothering you, all wanting to escape from this reality, wanting distraction, all ill effects on your brain and body,
In the name of Love, In the name of Love, In the name of Love, In the name of Love, please heal and transmute all Energies into Pure Divine Love, thankyou, Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love, Love And it is Done....

    *Erika L Soul *
              *Abundance of Light Cordcutting *

Monday, March 11, 2024

Cutting Cords with the Big Black Hole Mega Macro

Today I cut cords with this Big Black Hole Mega Macro Prayer to see if there was some stuff there to cut with and did get some energy charge of cords being cut, so worthwhile even if your mind says nah I'm good don't need to cut with that one ! And then did more cord cutting with it and then added and upgraded this Macro and wrote heaps more into it in this post and updated the Common List Macro file also, so quite an effect and more awareness gained with this black hole story we experience until one day we walk right past the street where the black hole is with no more attraction or attachments and all cords are cut to it and you are free to go on your journey to Spiritual Realisation and to the Divine.

Big BLACK HOLE MEGA MACRO PRAYER has been upgraded improved and revitalised now for all to use, try it and see the results in how you are feeling thinking and being afterwards if no change cut again and again each time more will be cut til you have got yourself out of the Big Black Hole you stepped into with some lack of awareness and desire to go there so lets include that now with this Macro Prayer all allowing ourselves to fall asleep in our awareness and plunge into the Big Black Hole and then wail oh no how did I get here someone please help me, I don't know how to get out, and being in the darkness until the Light comes when all the time you had a powerful torch in your pocket the whole time and a big ladder next to you but you wanted time out and to feel all the negativity you have grown into a big ball over lifetimes !!!!

Erika L Soul
Abundance of Light CordCutting for All

133. Big Black Hole Mega Macro Prayer

Love & Light Beings please use all Macro’s to aid and heal all affected by this Macro, include all that’s been cut with for black holes in the Barb Ball now, including cutting Cords with these Macro’s; Ugly Feelings Prayer, Depression prayer, Squeaky Clean Mega Macro, Changing Negativity Prayer, Empowerment Prayer, Judgement & Unforgiveness Prayer, Healing Abuse Prayer, Self Love Prayer, Restoration Prayer, Self Sabotage Prayer, Clear all not MINE Prayer, Self Love Prayer, Enlightenment Prayer. Please cut any and all cords of Illusion, cords of attachment, cords of negativity, cords that aren't love, across lifetimes time and space, between myself and all my experiences of black holes, black holes in the universe, black holes in mass consciousness, family black holes, negativity, my own black holes, miasms, with being sucked into black holes, with endless pits of suffering and despair, all allowing yourself to fall asleep in our awareness and plunge into the Big Black Hole and then wail oh no how did I get here someone please help me, I don't know how to get out, and being in the darkness until the Light comes when all the time you had a powerful torch in your pocket the whole time and a big ladder next to you but you wanted time out and to feel all the negativity you have amassed into a big dark ball over lifetimes !!!! all unworthiness, despondency, depression, asleep to truth, hypnotised and brainwashed, negative frequencies, all tuning into the black holes in the mass consciousness of humanity, all wanting to join everyone or any one in the Big Black Hole like keeping them company and you are part of it all instead of alone with a few spiritually aware souls you may know, low x energy, all detrimental energies and influences, mental health, no hope, hopelessness, giving up, negativity, with no escape, black clouds, victimhood, misery, unhappiness, pessimism, resisting help, self abuse, self hate, poor me, nothing can help, its all too hard, cesspool, karma, injustice, wrongness, I am wrong, they are wrong, its all wrong, self destructiveness, lost, alone, cut off, separated, no love, addictions, wanting to die, wanting to escape, trapped, stuck, all that isn't yours, lack of money, lack of energy, lack of love, any and all lack, belief in lack, lacking, lacking in oneself, I am lacking, I am nothing, I shouldn't even exist, all unforgiveness of self and others, all judgement of yourself anyone and anything, inertia, powerlessness, freedom, wanting to be saved, rejecting help, fear, illusions, all 24 distractor implants, unwanted, unloved, rejected, abandoned, strength, control issues, negative influences, dark forces, light vs dark, giving up, power, spiritual warrior, self responsibility, who and what am I, lost self, forgetting who and what you are, materialism, worlds of time space and matter, awakening to Truth, awakening to Love, spiritual awakening, finding ones true path home to the Divine. Chanting *In the Name of Love, please heal and change all energies released back into Love, love love love love, love, love, love love love , love, love love love love..*

Saturday, February 24, 2024

*Cordcutting to Enlightenment* Audio-Video Session

 Abundance of Light Cordcutting Healing Technique Session with Erika L Soul. *Cordcutting to Enlightenment* Audio-Video 37 mins.

Cordcutting with Health, Pain, Aging, Money, Concern for loved ones, Enlightenment, Collective Consciousness, Negative Projections, etc, etc.
You can also listen to Abundance of Light Cordcutting to Enlightenment Session with Erika L Soul on #SoundCloud P.S. This track is downloadable via a browser window on the Soundcloud website but not via the soundcloud app: https://on.soundcloud.com/AsVFs

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Cord Cutting for Lost Items

This morning I opened up a bag of blanched almonds and got out a large glass jar to put them in. I wanted to fill up the smaller glass container I keep handy in the kitchen. I was doing other things in the kitchen for a while and then noticed I hadn't filled up the small container with the almonds. So I went to the cupboard and searched for the big jar and couldn't find it, then I looked anywhere I may have put it but I still couldn't find it. I started feeling frustrated and wanting to find them as they just couldn't have disappeared into thin air. I did my find it mantra's and magic stuff but still no jar of almonds, I fruitlessly searched the whole shelf again where I keep them. Then came the reaction of well they're completely gone and I give up on finding the jar!!! So then I went outside and hung out some washing. 

Then I thought well I could cut cords on these feelings and stuff with wanting to find the jar but not being able to, as I was aware I had experienced them before, i.e. memories replaying. And then the moment I just said Yes, please cut the cords with all of this I have going on with my not finding the almonds jar, chanting repeatedly love love love love love,  instantaneously I knew where they were. So the stuff in the way had been cut, the purpose was served and the veil was lifted and the memory of  where I had put them was there clearly in my mind. I had put them on a special Inner Soul Tech energy power plate I have in my Healing Room out of sight and not somewhere I would think to look.  Cutting cords can work miracles instantaneously just like that. 

Whatever block you have just cut the cords with it. Just ask your cord cutting team to cut the cords with you and what you are experiencing and the situation etc and it is done, you may have instant results or they may be subtle or they come later when we least expect them. I had given up searching and trying to find them mentally and physically and then I became aware to do some cord cutting. See what you can cut cords with for your freedom and state of mind.

Erika L Soul

Abundance of Light CordCutting.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Peace Within Alyrose Card Audio Video

 Abundance of Light Cordcutting with the *Peace Within* Alyrose Card, 

         13 minute Audio Video Session facilitated by Erika L Soul

Alyrose Card created by Alyssa Mary Ros🌹.

Thursday, December 21, 2023



💛Love & Light beings Please cut all cords that are affecting this area of my body here detrimentally, anything that needs to be cut to bring this area back to optimal health. IN THE NAME OF LOVE, IN THE NAME OF LOVE, IN THE NAME OF LOVE, (Chant until your voice fades out or the sensation fades away). Thanks be and change any energy released back to love.


My guidance to you is choose only one area at at a time where you feel there is a problem and cut with that area and symptoms and keep repeating the cordcutting protocol until its feeling much better, then do some Cordcutting with that area at different times over days or weeks until all the cords are cut and its changed forthe better. You can do different areas of the body in one session but do each area in a separate Cordcutting.
To read up on how to do this with another person going over their whole body with your hands or a pendulum read Alyssa Mary Rose's Abundance of Light Cordcutting Healing technique ebook which you can download for free from www.rainbowhealings.com/cord-cutting

Macro of the Heart Card 2 * Expansion and Flow *


Cutting Cords Session with Be Set FREE from Pain Macro Prayer


🌟Cutting Cords Session with Be Set FREE from Pain Macro Prayer, by Erika L Soul of  Rainbow Healings⭐🌟
Love and Light Beings Please cut the Cords of ⭐Be Set FREE from Pain⭐Macro Prayer for each person asking for this Macro to be Cut for them fully and completely on all levels of their being Cutting the Cords that are most appropriate and beneficial to Cut Cords with right now, and for any specific pain they may have or want to have cords cut with in the name of the Divine please heal and transmute all Energies into Pure Divine Love, thankyou, Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love, Love And it is Done.

This is all set up now for each person to receive Be Set Free from Pain Cordcutting Macro Prayer each time they post their specific pain issue request the Cordcutting is done automatically each time allowing for as many sessions as they cords cut for their specific pain issue. Thankyou All Love and Light Beings for this Cordcutting being done.
Love and Light Beings & Angels, please cut any and all cords between me and any pain that I am experiencing right now and all the root sources causes of this pain, cutting all cords of negativity, illusion, attachment and any cords not of the highest good including all Macro Prayers needed and with Be Set Free from Pain Macro Prayer, thanks be please heal and transmute all energies into pure Divine Love. Thankyou. Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love ðŸ’›

Abundance of Light Cordcutting Angel
