Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Thank You I Love You - unmastered by Sushumna

Ho'oponopono Cleaning song by Sushumna a Kirtan devotional singing group.
Beautiful song to help you do the cleaning of all thoughts feelings memories operating you that hold you back from the Divine within.Just click on link in the title to listen to this and other songs by Sushumna for free, and you can buy it also.

I was invited to the Central Coast for a special two day Solstice Celebration weekend  in June and heard Sushumna sing this live in an amazing room at the Telos Australia centre in Blue Bay. Afterwards  those attending the event sang this together to clean on anything within them it was beautiful,  the next day at  a venue in Newcastle another audience sang this together after a talk on ho'oponopono. Sushumna gave me their cd as a gift because I wanted to share their ho'oponopono song with others. Sushumna's other songs are deeply moving as well.

with Love ~ Soulerika~