Thursday, December 4, 2014


                           GROUP ANGEL READING FOR DECEMBER  2014              ☆★☆★☆☆★☆★☆★☆★☆☆★☆★☆★☆★☆☆★☆★☆★☆★☆☆★☆☆★☆☆★☆

 Many of you are so aware and awake now, and wanting more awareness and higher consciousness. December is your time now to enjoy what you have been creating all year. Reap what you have sowed. Make sure to only sow what you want to reap.

This month we are calling you, awakening you, it is time for some decisions and going into a new life that is calling you and opening up for you. Let go of judgement and make peace with yourself. Let your soul shine and soar, be a beacon this month so others can safely come ashore. We love you and embrace your journey. Many of you are going to be taking short trips and journeys, some unexpected, some planned. Know you will have all you need and require for these trips, your needs will be met as long as you don't prevent it.

We open the door for you to walk through into more Love, Prosperity, Truth as you read these words. Allow your heart to open and receive and give love. Yes you are ready and it is time. Dolphins are healing many in your group and will come more and more into your awareness this month. Flowers will be our calling card this month, blossoms and colours to enrich and heal you. Flowers are Gods gift to the world.

Now get ready as much more is required of you, you are needed in this world and it is time to give to all what is within you, share of yourself, your gifts and talents and awarenesses, it is needed. We are here and will support your journey. Trust in God and self. Healings will be happening for many who read this, spontaneously and joyfully, heart healings, wound healings, emotion healings, relationship healings, spiritual healings. Just say YES and we will work with you to bring this about. You are worthy of this healing and ready for healing miracles. 

Til next month and a new year, we await your rebirth.


Wednesday, October 8, 2014



 What will it take for there to be more love joy peace in the world? Enough people who truly desire this and focus their hearts on this. Not hating war and violence and resisting conflict, but embracing all with love and joy and goodwill towards everyone. We have come this month to help you with Peace as you all so long for PEACE. But peace can only BE if we allow it, Peace is being at Peace ourselves. Trusting and allowing that we are always eternally loved and cared for in each and every moment. 

This month we are here with YOU Now as you read this, US Angels, helping you to bring yourself into Peace within, opening the door and holding it for you to walk through. Let Peace in, make it your friend, not a distant stranger. I am Peace, the Peace of I, that is the I we are all truly. So now be mindful and let your mind rest in peace, your body, your heart, your emotions feel this Gift Of Peace we are helping you enter now. Can you feel this Peace, it is always there in the background, flowing , a river of Peace. True peace is letting Go and letting God. Allowing All, Trusting, All is OK. WE can rest in Gods loving arms and let all anxieties go, and feel deeply this peace. ☆★☆★

This month the Symbol and Reading is The Empress Card of the Angel Tarot. The Empress represents Abundant Life, and blesses you all. Her gifts she brings you for October are contentment, nurturing energies, mothering and family harmony, abundance, creativity. A new flow of abundance is here for you, blessings for relationships, fruitful times, joy and creativity. Her love is boundless and she is with you this month as a symbol of Mother Earth and Heaven combined. Giving birth, motherhood, birthing something new, a new phase in your life, and all the energy and confidance to do this are here for you now. This month is a wonderful opportunity to manifest, give birth to something you wish to create. Nurture yourself, spend time in nature, enjoy a nurturing treatment, beautify yourself or your surroundings. Healing symbols and signs this month are babies, mothers, animals, waterfalls, water pools, butterflies, and these may well be around you during October. Take note of the signs we bring you this month ☆★☆★

Archangel Gabriel is coming forward this month to be with us and all who read this to gift you all the assistance with anything you want to create in your life and to awaken more and more to who and what you really are. She has come in with the US Angels to join our reading and bring her blessings in your life and inspire you to reach your goals. Healing blessings for families is her forte and she is a Messenger for God. She is blowing her trumpet for us here and awakening all who are ready to shift and transform their lives.

: ~.••.¸ღ¸☆´¯`•.¸: ~.••.¸ღ¸☆´¯`•.¸
with Divine Love from US ANGELS ~.••.¸ღ¸☆´¯`•.¸
: ~.••.¸ღ¸☆´¯`•.¸: ~.••.¸ღ¸☆´¯`•.¸: ~.

Monday, July 14, 2014

My Daily Healing Journey 1

As a Soul Energy Healer I am always facilitating healing for myself each day, so that I am clearer and better and able to be the true me more and more being a clear vehicle for the Divine to work through.  I am guided in this each day by the Divine as I go listen to a healing session by a Energy worker, or find a recording I have or use healing techniques I have learnt and apply to situations and problems I have. This work on myself really opens me to be  a healing channel for others in my reading and healing sessions I conduct. I have many wonderful spiritual healing tools and healing modalities I have learnt and become one with the tool that benefit myself and my clients and online healing groups I facilitate. In this post I am going to share some of my daily healing journey with you. 

Yesterday I went to listen to Tamra Oviatt's Sacred Activations session on the You Awakening show and this free session was on Sacred Activations on Betrayal and Stuckness, Karmic Loop and The Creative Gene for manifesting with abundance and creativity. To listen to this session CLICK HERE and download it as a free gift... As soon as I had listened to this session I put on a tv movie I had been going to watch for days called The Politicians Husband, and right from the start the whole movie was about huge betrayals and trust and sabotage and where people got stuck.  I was amazed at this synchronocitiy occuring like this from one moment of  receiving the Activation to the next moment of the movie and all that was in it and brought up in me. And yes I have experienced this many times before how  these Sacred Activations work in your life in incredible ways. Tamra says the Activations will bring up your issues to be cleared away by the energy she activates within the Activation. I got to review how loyalty trust and betrayal had played out in my life and to bring up these areas to be cleared on with this Activation.
 It also cleared this in your genetic line, your past life and wherever you have plugged into this from others consciousness also. So it will be interesting to see any results in my life or my family and any others in my life I am connected to as it helps to clear all my connections and cords I have with others in the area of betrayal and being stuck.

In the morning I had given myself a healing session playing with a healing tool of mine and applying it to many things and situations in my life I felt bothered by.  I had recalled Grandmaster David Harris's method I learnt quite a while ago where you make a list of things that bother you and apply a simple technique to it called  Nei Gong Hwa Jing  he has a video on youtube for teaching it to you. So I played with a healing tool I had created for myself I had found in a old notebook of mine and then applied it to anything that bothers me in my life currently.  All day whenever I felt bothered I would link back to my healing session and apply the tool. And it was great to play with and felt good !!! 

Over the weekend I searched on my Most Benevolent Outcomes page on facebook and found many MBO's I could post into my new facebook group Divine Benevolent Outcomes.  This new format allows alot more sharing on MBO's amongst members  and I have put nearly all of the MBO's into the group from the page. As I found each one it was like a treasure hunt, each MBO was a gift to discover and I was amazed how many wonderful MBO's I had shared in the group over 2 years. I gained alot of appreciation for these MBO's and my work in sharing them on my page Most Benevolent Outcomes . Here is one I will share that I love :

★Guardian Angel { I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for making the choices that are for my highest and best good now and for knowing which way to go and what to do in each moment, tuning into my divine inner guidance and following it, resulting in  Most Benevolent Outcomes that are even better than I could hope for imagine or expect, thankyou }★

I hope this sharing has been of some benefit to you and please leave a comment or click LIKE below if you enjoyed reading this. 

Erika L Soul

Saturday, July 12, 2014


channelled by SoulErika from US ANGELS ★ ♫✿◠‿◠)❀✿
THIS month of JULY is a new start and new energy is being transmitted to you. 

YOU will feel tired at times while you adjust to these new energy levels and at other times energised.  What was once something you had to bring more energy and work into now will just create with ease and flow.
JOY ABUNDANCE ✿ LOVE are what we vibrate to so the more you attune yourself to these vibrations the more awareness of US you will have. The KEY this month is to blow away the cobwebs and loosen up alot, shake yourself awake and be alert to Divine Signs and Messages we will be bringing you. 

Change is afoot for many and some will experience happy changes and some very big changes so be flexible and don't look a gift horse in the mouth.
Yellow is our Colour this month bringing Sunshine and JOY to you with its vibrant energy. Surround yourself this month with things and people that make you happy and shun all else, so that you can be the happiness you truly be. Its time for you to Shine and bring JOY to the world.
The energy behind these typed words is coming directly from US so anytime you need some upliftment or support and love come again and read our Loving Healing Words we imbue with much healing and GRACE.

US Angels only want to be of service to you in the highest and best way possible. 
Ask US often for help and see what occurs afterwards. Enjoy and BE Happy for all is as it should be.

✿ Here is the gift of the Hummingbird and this beautiful image for this month of JULY it is granting you more abundance and joy filling your heart with LOVE.✿ 

 If this US Angels Reading has been relevant for you and beneficial please leave a comment or click the Reactions box below,to show your appreciation and encouragement of them to continue thankyou .

Sunday, May 11, 2014



MAY 2014  ☆US★ ANGEL READING for YOU ♫✿◠‿◠)❀✿  ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆☆★☆★☆★☆★☆☆★☆★☆★☆★☆☆★☆★☆★☆★☆
This month of  May 2014 is a new beginning bringing new things in and many will be experiencing many changes. You may find new experiences and new opportunities coming to you alot more than usual. Some will have challenges confronting them however they will transcend them easily. There is a new energy abounding this month with more Joy and Expansion so you can now feel these energies on a higher level than before.  We have brought you many birds and feathers recently and confirmed our presence to you all. So now is the time to trust your Angels guidance with its calling card of Love and Joy...

This month we are going to bring Unicorn Energy to those open to this Blessing from the Unicorns, you may see Unicorns more than usual or even be given something physically with a Unicorn on it or a symbol of one. Unicorns will be bringing their Energy and Healing power to you and you can manifest more miracles and magic than usual with their extra energy surrounding you...If you see a book about Unicorns know this is your Angels bringing it to you.

More Money and Financial Blessings will come to you this month so accept these financial gifts as you are very worthy of them. Some of you may dream very special dreams with lucid dreaming and more soul travel experiences that are unusual and magical....

Some of you have questions so ask them of ☆US★ and wait to see how we will answer you. A new card deck of Angel Cards may come to some of you who are gifted these special Angel Cards  and if not a card deck it may be a Card with Angels or a Angel pin.. Simply be open to your gift from ☆US★ we are a group of Angels that work together with your Guardian Angels across the Universe serving all Souls..So regard ☆US★ in the way that suits your beliefs about Angels....

Archangel Raphael is now transmitting Healing Energy to you to assist you in healing something in your life, it could be emotional, physical, mental or a problem resolved...So just allow this Energy and Archangel Raphael to come in and assist you with what is chosen for you as this healing gift from the Divine.

Much Love from ☆US★ Angels to YOU now, feel our Love surrounding you and Blessing you always each day. Love ☆US★


  Ok how about this, 7 days after this Angel Reading was chanelled by me I get a Ascension Card deck for Mothers Day by Diana Cooper who is a Angel teacher and is all about Angels Orbs and Masters and this deck is perfect and a way to go higher with 52  so thankyou US , you worked thru my daughter to bring me this Angel Card Deck from my favourite Angel lady Diana Cooper - Angels & Ascension - 2012 - Atlantis - Unicorns... I really believe now !!!!!!!!!!!

And I have had some amazing powerful dreams more than normal with healing and even Braco in them !!!!!

Erika L Soul

If this reading has been relevant for you and beneficial please leave a comment or click the Reactions box,to show your appreciation and encouragement for these Angel Group Readings.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


                                       ❀✿ BLUE IRIS ~ RAINBOWS ~ GODDESS IRIS ✿

I got given a gift of Blue Iris bulbs on Easter Sunday and when I got home I quickly looked up Iris in my Flower Therapy book by Doreen Virtue to see what its about. I have planted these bulbs and it will be wonderful to see them grow and flower !!! This flower is connected to the Greek Goddess Iris and the Rainbow !!! In my Mythic Tarot Deck I have had for years and years this is the Temperance Card with the Iris flower a rainbow and Iris the Greek Goddess.. So looking up this cards meaning is also part of this message for you in your life right now.....
I trusted if I got given this flower then it was a healing gift for me now and connected to my working with the Flower Therapy book and card deck recently. And the first thing I read is another name for it is Fleur~de~lys ...... which is a ho'oponopono cleaning tool !!!! Amazingly some other ho'oponopono cleaning buddies had Blue Iris pop up for them too so it wasn't just for me and I got inspired to share this experience online also and I realise its for us all who resonate with this healing flower !!!

Iris is beneficial for detoxing physically from addictions and from old emotions and negativity. It helps to recharge and vitalize your whole body. Iris can help to release aches and pains no matter how long you've had them. It brings comfort and support while you gently detox and let go of foods habits addictions that no longer serve you. Afterwards you will feel full of energy vitality and a new lease on life. You may find you can do things that you haven't done for a while.

You can connect to Iris via a photo of this flower or by having the flower or plant around your home..Sit with it and drink in its essence each day.

The message I have in my Flower Prophesy Book by Patricia a Clairvoyant in Melbourne is:
Seek new ways and new paths to accomplish your long term dreams. You will rise above any difficult conditions which surround you now. There will be many friends and deep long lasting relationships when you draw the flower card Iris, and this often indicates widespread recogniton of your work.

Iris - Keeper of the Rainbow

Throughout the ages, the rainbow has been the symbol of hope, a promise of better things to come. The ancient Greeks personified the rainbow as the goddess Iris, the favourite handmaiden and messenger of Hera, the queen of the heavenly court of Olympus. Carried by her shimmering wings, Iris travels so swiftly that mortals can see only the trail of her rainbow-coloured passage across the sky.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Angelspeaking ~ Healing Angel Messages : READING for APRIL

 Healing Angel Messages READING for ALL for the Month of APRIL: 

For the month of April the energy is building towards something very different than we have experienced before. So gear up for new experiences and adventures, set sail for distant shores. The world is shifting gears and you will be able to go up to a higher speed than before, vibrationally.

YOU will need to declutter even more mentally emotionally and physically and welcome in the new. Change is happening and it is what you have actually been calling forth into your life, so welcome it in and make it your friend. Look around for what is beckoning you and go towards it and you will find many joys and treasures. New energy that was blocked before is coming through to you now as you are freer than you have been before.

If you are reading this you can now receive a healing Blessing in your life of something that has been causing you stress. As you read this let it in as we are sending it to you now from the spiritual and angel realms. We are coming through SoulErika as she is listening to US and letting US speak to you.

We love you and we are always with you, look for signs WE exist and are real. One of our signs WE will show you so you know WE are really speaking to you will be seeing beautiful birds more than usual popping up in your life.

Some may not be aware of these birds so do not think WE are neglecting to give you a sign as you do need to stay aware and be open to these signs from heaven. So if not birds then special feathers will be our sign to you .

Heaven is here and now and not up there, so open to more Heavenly love that is always with you whether you are in the physical plane or not. 

Love to you ALL and until next time WE communicate, 
Love and Blessings from US, Higher Angelic Beings.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Benevolent Monetary Outcome


★ Guardian Angel★ I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for a Benevolent Monetary Outcome in keeping with my desires. I ask that I greatly increase my income. I ask that no matter what is going on in the world that I remain stable and monetarily secure. I ask that I know and realise I am secure, and I am confident and filled with an inner knowing -- an awareness of Angelic assistance. 

I ask that from this moment on, I trust that I'll obtain whatever I need, whenever I need it. I ask that I feel blessed and secure in the knowledge that all these requests are now granted. I request a Benevolent Monetary Outcome from my Angels, and that I trust in the power of Angelic intervention. I ask that I always I know I am always surrounded with Love and I sense the presence of Divine spirit. I ask that I have faith and trust and that money comes to me in ways I never imagined or expected. I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for all of this now and may the results exceed my expectations thankyou, I love you. Thy Will Be Done.


I have worded this from Richard Sutphens Benevolent Outcome Monetary Recording ..

Sunday, March 2, 2014


So let's have a READING FOR MARCH BY THE ANGELS that is so uplifting and inspiring it blesses all who read it!! I will ask the Angels for one that will be relevant for us all now for March 2014!!
Reading for MARCH from our Angels Guides and Higher Beings :

March now is the month buliding towards a big lunar eclipse in April and this Energy is meant to shift us all into a higher level of ourselves for once and all. Much will happen in March as we go forward now to embrace a new destiny, as our lives have been changing so much recently that we can rewrite our futures. Some will travel this month, and some will do short trips but getting out and about is on the cards. Some beneficial tips for this month are: rest relax and recharge in between activities, dreams will be richer and more interesting this month, walk and enjoy nature more, and drink lots of water, play and be light carefree and happy like children.
This month is the month to commune with nature, commune with your Angels and your higher Self as this will bring in more guidance wisdom and new ideas. Let things take their course as they will anyway so let go and go with the flow, this will reduce much stress.
Their will be much in the news this month and you will need to keep your focus positive as you will find a need to keep a healthy balance between the positive and negative energies abounding. Remember this is a positive moving forward month of energies you can utilise to ride the waves and move into more prosperity and more of you.



The Card for this month is Flow, it is a Soul Coaching Card by Denise Linn !!!


Trust that you're exactly where you are meant to be and need to be. Have faith in yourself and know that you are divinely guided, even when you have doubts. BELIEVE. Once you have planted the seeds hand the rest up to the Divine. Once you know that something is possible and you Believe it is you can have the faith it will manifest. Be patient and know that it will happen, and say " IT IS HAPPENING"  just keep nurturing it with your love and attention. Keep your Trust and faith in the Most Benevolent Outcome !!!

Erika L Soul

P.S. If you found this reading for March beneficial and relevant for you please tick the reactions box below and or leave a comment thankyou!!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Golden Lucky Buddha

ི♥ྀ This Golden Lucky Buddha is showing up here right now for you to let you know that a Big Miracle is NOW coming your WAY !!!!

So with your hand simply touch this lucky Golden Buddha image on your screen to activate this Miracle for yourself ི♥ྀ The Divine will grant this Miracle for you and choose what Is for your Best and highest Good now.

ི♥ྀ This Lucky Buddha image has been energised with wonderful energies to bless you with. Know its power is beyond your mind or your problems. It IS blessed it with the Energy of the Lucky Buddha, Magic and Miracles, Divine Blessings, Love, Prosperity & Abundance for you ི♥ྀ
Your part is to be OPEN to this Miracle occuring by having fun with this and playing like a child expecting Magic and Miracles to show up in your life...♥ྀ 

ི♥ྀ And if you want this Blessing of A Miracle for someone else just show them this post and let them touch the image. ི♥ྀ

Golden Lucky Buddha's Loving Wisdom to US All ི♥ྀ 

I am here to Bless you All with Divine Miracles, through my Divine presence, open your hearts and minds to all being possible and miracles Abounding in your life, I am here to activate this more and more for you each individually and collectively, join together and this will increase my potency as we are cocreating this all together here, 
Oh hear my voice, golden and pure speaking now, and allow my Grace to enter your very being, I come to you and Bless you as you are all Divine Beings and always deserve *Love *Grace *Blessings, Be at Peace and I Love You ALL
ི♥ྀ  Love and Miracles, Golden Lucky Buddha  ི♥ྀ 

P.S. You are welcome to leave a comment here as we celebrate our Miracles and Blessings and give Love to our Lucky Golden Buddha blessing us all here who touch him and see him