Thursday, August 11, 2016


ஜWe are coming forth this month to Boost your Energy and Increase your Levels of Functioning. This Energy Boost is within this U.S.Angels Group Reading and as you read you will be receiving it via an Energy Transmission we are sending each one of you who reads this anytime anywhere anyplace. What it will do is to increase your physical Energy, Emotional Energy, Mental Energy, Spiritual Energy, your Life Force, the level of Love in you, your whole Energetic Vibration will increase as a result. This means more inflow of Energy and so much more Energy will flow from you as well, and this you must use wisely and constructively for your benefit and all around you. We will only increase your Energy if this is beneficial for you and we can see that you will be positive and creative and put it to good use. So are you ready to become more dynamic, have more Power to do good in the world, and to create in your LIFE ? YES ? OK This Energy Transmission is coming to YOU right NOW !!!!!

ஜIf you feel you are leaking Energy, not conserving it, wasting Energy then we can also assist to shift the cause of this in you, as you give your permission right now with a big YES Please Thankyou, It is DONE !!!

How are you experiencing Energy Now ??? As you connect into the LiFE Force of the Universe of God, and come fully into this Energy that is always flowing to YOU for you to utilse you merge and Become this Energy that is what you are made of. So would you like to be fully connected right now???? YES ??? We can now adjust your LINK UP to this LIFE FORCE so you are fully plugged in and the Energy is coming into YOU and charging you completely at all times. So as you quiet your mind and Allow this to be Done for you, So it IS.

ஜAll that causes you to separate, disconnect from this Universal Energy, Divine Spirit would you like to give that UP to God right now ??? YES OK so let US shift that in YOU right NOW so its easier to receive this Energy Boost always available to you here and NOW......

ஜSo this month that encompasses this Reading will include Energy UpGrades throughout the month and each time you read this it will activate them more and more. You may be simply sitting in your lounge room and receiving an UpGrade.
Watch for signs and messages from U.S.Angels this month that this is occuring for you and you are shifting your Energy and Frequency to a whole new Level for you, giving you a new state of Consciousness of Prosperity. A sign confirming this will be a Bright Blue Feather, that comes to you in a special way that lights you UP !!!! It may come physically or in a picture or on something, however you experience receiving it will be perfect and Divine for YOU.

ஜThis is a month of ADVANCEMENT so get ready to ADVANCE in all aspects of YOUR LIFE. Advance is progressing, advancing to a new level, shifting from stuckness to flowing and moving forward divinely. So enjoy advancing as it occurs for you, and celebrate your Advances as you earned them. Spiritual advancement, work advancement, health advancement, home advancement, relationships advancing, LIFE ADVANCEMENT, SUPER ADVANCES JUST for YOU !!!!

ஜOur Loving Presence is Always present with You and until next time enjoy reading this months Group U.S.Angel Reading as many times as you enjoy as each time it will go to a new level and deepen it exponentially.

✿IN LOVE, JOY, and Happiness we Reside Always,


Wednesday, August 10, 2016


Here is a Miracle Healing just for YOU!!!
Do you have a Miracle request ? One that you have asked for and are waiting for to happen, if not think of one right now that would delight you. As you completely release what you are wanting a Miracle for to God the quicker it will be realised.
In Truth the Miracle Healing has already occurred. The Miracle Healing is one of many different outcomes available to you. As you choose with your thoughts emotions and intentions to experience the most Divine Benevolent Outcome so It IS. Have faith and gratitude to access your healing Miracle.
So right now say to the Divine within, " I am letting go and Letting God. I hand this entirely up to YOU and I am allowing YOU God to resolve IT, Thankyou so much for this Healing Miracle as It is Thy Will BE DONE, thankyou God."
Imagine you have placed it in Gods hands entirely. 
Fill yourself with Gratitude and Open to a Miracle of GOD
From my New Facebook Page: JoyFul Blissful Miracles

This card is from the "Healing with the Fairies: Oracle Card Deck by Doreen Virtue.

Divine Inspirations for ALL


Everything we create we can uncreate, whether good or bad, liked or unliked, we have the power to do this as we created it in the first place. Its a choice destroy or create something. However nothing is ever destroyed only changed into another form or energy. Everything is here and now. The power is always in us. Uncreate discreate something in ourselves and our reality changes forthwith. 

We affect everything around us because it is all us. So again if we perceive something unpleasant to us, we can choose again another choice with a different outcome as its a smorgasboard of choices and outcomes each one different and not right or wrong good or bad, just experience teaching us each time something different. Teaching us more about who and what we are in truth. 

So go forward in your life fearlessly as its all an adventure in Creation with us as the co-creators of our reality our destiny, with the Divine in us giving birth to our truths we believe are real.

inspired by the Divine within Erika L Soul

Tuesday, August 2, 2016



★The following is a facilitated Ho'oponopono Cleaning Memories session here to help you anytime you feel a problem or anything blocking your natural state of joy happiness and love. As you read each question either silently or outloud to yourself this is the process that will take you into the Zero State, Clear and Free. This whole cleaning protocol brings you into the ho'oponopono zero state as you read and view it, including the image with this post and whatever issue problem or state you are in is divinely released and transmuted as you read this cleaning protocol.
★Simply let all of your thoughts and feelings about anything or anyone or any problem come up and be cleansed, released and transmuted into pure Divine Love as you read and participate in this cleaning protocol. The image and words have Divine Cleaning Energies assisting you in Cleaning and Transmuting all data programs memories into Pure Truth and Divine Love.
★As you allow in these Cleansing Energies they are uplifting you into a higher state of Consciousness and Divine Love. Simply gaze with the Words and Pictures and drink in the Divine Love and let go of all that isn't serving you anymore. I LOVE YOU , is the key to unlock these memories displacing Divinity and your Happiness, Self Love, Forgiveness, Freedom and Prosperity.

★Maybe going through this once will set you free or many times until you feel clear happy and free again. Participate by answering each question and saying your answers outloud or if you are with others silently in your mind .
So Let us Begin.......


❀ What are you willing to let go of right now and fully release to the Divine? 

What is up for cleaning on all the way to Zero right now.. It can be any memory good or bad as we can be attached to a memory of something we want to continue to have as our experience ! Whatever comes up or that is currently in your mind as a thought, memory of something, discomfort, fear or feeling or energy is it !!! ❀

✿ Could you lovingly Embrace and fully Allow these feelings and thoughts and memories to be here now, as if they were a little child ? ★ YES, Thankyou God

✿ Are you willing right now to fully LOVE all of these memories in this moment with ❀ I LOVE YOU ❀ I LOVE YOU❀ I LOVE YOU ★ YES, Thankyou God

✿ Can you now set these memories free and allow the Divine within to cleanse and TRANSMUTE all of these Memories to Zero right NOW ? ★ Yes, Thankyou God

✿ Could you fully RELEASE all of this now and Let Go and Let God ? ★ Yes, Thankyou God

 ✿ And can you now choose to be at Peace and ALLOW all to BE and all to FLOW in the way it wants to IN THIS MOMENT? ★ Yes, Thankyou GOD

✿ Now breathe it all out and allow Divine Inspiration to flow in replacing the memory with Absolute Truth and Divine Love....And IT is DONE ! ★ Yes, Thankyou God

Can you feel this peace permeating you now ? The PEACE Of I ....The peace you really are all the time !!! so simply say YES to this Peace, as we invite it in now and align with it on all levels of our being ★ I say Yes to Peace, the Peace that is I , the Peace that I AM, Thankyou GOD !

✿ How simple is our being at Peace, trusting God and allowing all to be flowing as it is, knowing that All is Well and All is OK !! Can you fully allow that for yourself now ? ★Yes, thankyou, And it is Done

✿ Do you feel yourself being more of your true self now, since you started reading and doing this cleaning, allowing more of you to be present and awakened to Truth !!! ★ YES, THANKYOU GOD

✿ NOW Feel the LOVE in your HEART begin to stir and permeate your whole being and IMAGINE this WAVE OF LOVE flowing to all those around you in your life and your whole world.

✿ Open your heart to this LOVE now, ★Yes Thankyou. GOD !!!
✿ Be this LOVE NOW, be the LOVE that you truly ARE



My wish is that this whole cleaning protocol helps when you feel lost in how to clean and get free of something, and that you can read through this outloud or in your mind over and over til you feel you are done and good again.
I would love to hear from anyone who has utilised this Cleaning Set UP in this post and what occurred for them, how many times they read it to get clear and free and anything they felt while reading and saying the words and any outcomes afterwards, thankyou to each person that does share their cleaning experience here with this blogpost as this blesses us ALL....THANKYOU, Erika L Soul. 

You have my permission to print this cleaning protocol for yourself and use it privately, however sharing it elsewhere online is not permitted. The Energy is Set Up with this Post and facilitated by me with the Divine. So please respect this Gift and ask my permission for anything esle you want to do with it besides using it for yourself, Thankyou.

★Erika L Soul ★

The Ho'oponopono Lovers Divine Cleaning Miracles Room on Facebook