AngelSpeaking~ Healing Angel Messages : Healing Angel Story ~
~these words are to uplift and heal you, they carry a very special vibration and within them is the Angels healing energy . Just allow the energy in to cleanse and clear all that's not needed anymore all the old thoughts feelings and memories that weigh you down. Let them be released transmuted and freed to become energy that can dance and sing and be happy...
Once upon a time far far away was a little child that was looking at the stars and wondering how they got there, who put them there. She asked Mr Moon who was shining brightly how did the stars get in the sky and he said they were there when he was born . So then the child thought very hard and said to the Stars where did you come from to be hung up so high for us to see and they answered in unison 'We are The Light of God that is here to be with you to show you the way to your true home in the heavenly planes of God.' Oh said the child what a special job you have , 'Yes they replied we twinkle and shine hoping to be noticed and admired all night long' . Oh she said I will always look at you every night to see you shining and showing me the way to my heavenly home. Thankyou Stars we are friends forevermore, and with that she snuggled into her bed to dream of the stars in the heavens above with much love and blessings from her Angels..............................

*Erika L Soul*
♥ Angel ♥
ღDivine Angel Readingsღ
ೋTransformational Healingsೋ
Melbourne Australia
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