Friday, August 22, 2008

Ho'oponopono Cleaning and Divine Miracles

This is an email I received from a beautiful lady called Virginia in America. She requested my Erase The Tape method  of Zpoint combined with Ho'oponopono I have posted here on my blog . Within 2 days of receiving it she emailed me this below. I was so amazed at the result she had from doing it and I loved her story. I now recently had contact with her again after a long time and she said the lady in this story has now passed away and she misses her friend. Virginia is a beautiful soul and I am grateful and glad to have connected with her.

Here is the link for the post I mentioned

Thank you so very much. Erika . I will tell you my story using your helpful suggestions. 
I was very angry, which I rarely am, with the son of my dear friend who is dying of lung cancer and who is now is great pain, the cancer having spread to her brain. The son would not provide her with enough pain medication.

I used your method (thank you again) putting him in the circle with the issues. After counting down with the suggested statements, there was no change. I then put myself in the circle with him and the issues, counted down, no change. I still felt intense anger and frustration. I tried different approaches, always using the "I am sorry, etc routine." No change. I was then interrupted and had to take care of other business.

Then I called the son to say I would be over to help with my friend, as we had pre-arranged. The son answered the phone and I heard my voice speaking to him, full of love and compassion. He replied in kind. He said his mother had awakened this morning with no pain, he had given her adequate medication last night. What can I say. This is truly magic.
Thank you, Virginia ~ 80 years old.

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