Thursday, August 14, 2008

School Assignment Successful !!!!

My role play assignment that has taken me months to get done and I whined and sooked about it to get it it done...I finally finished it about 2 weeks ago, (finally!!)
The tutor is a hard marker and I have issues with her- she always sends back my work for more!. Yes its bizarre, she would every time resend back work to be added on to before marking ,but I did do some healing and clearing, cleaning on it.
What I did was use the Ho'oponopono method. I cleaned on my tutor and my assignments with her .
And what do you know !? I get it back today-with a B-grade! Woo hoo!
This woman has only ever graded me with C's but I can achieve B grade, this is her first for me. Anyway it had
ticks all over my work, she loved it (well she didn't say in those words) but in these:
"........ Your highly conscious approach in structuring and documenting this role play. Keep up this high standard
of application " and said I out did myself in the format of the assignment .
Pretty good . So now I can move on without whining about it to everyone
This time I got such high praise and a B grade.

Just keep cleaning
Thank You

Kelly Isara, Clairvoyant Reader

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